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The Ithaca Fringe Festival believes in and advocates for a world where all people are free to live their lives as they wish, in peace and without fear. We believe in zero tolerance for acts of hate and bigotry. We believe in universal respect, diversity, and equality in all areas of life for all people, no matter what their nationality, race, religion, age, sexual status, or gender orientation. The Ithaca Fringe Festival will never promote or endorse those who seek to diminish others because of who they are.

We are sad to announce that we will be taking a hiatus from producing the Ithaca Fringe Festival in 2018. We have, after much discussion, decided to spend the year restructuring in order to bring you a better, fuller fringe experience. Please keep an eye on this webpage for updates and details and be sure to join us in 2019!


A fringe festival is the place for performing artists to shine. It's a festival where the newest and most exciting acts get a chance to present themselves to eager audiences. The idea is that a fringe operates outside of mainstream and established venues, each group (theatrical, dance, interdisciplinary, etc.) finding a space in "alternate" spaces such as storefronts, restaurants, cafés, museums, and suchlike. In keeping with the spirit of true fringe, we keep our prices low, so everyone has a chance to come see what we have to offer. 

Made possible in part by

grants from the Tompkins County Tourism Board




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