APRIL 26-29, 2018

by Flower City Vaudeville
Review by Jessica Braham
The winners of the 2015 Ithaca Fringe Andrew M. Dixon Award, Flower City Vaudeville, are back and more hilarious than ever! In this iteration of their "Towanda" saga, the three seasoned vaudevillians, Dr. Ted Baumhauser, Richard Hughson, and Ward Hartenstein, have just arrived at the American Legion Hall in Towanda to premiere their new show and can't wait to show off their talents in juggling, music, magic, and bad jokes.
But there is a complication: when their truck breaks down on the way, they have to leave it behind along with most of their props: the musical instruments, bicycles, and even the magical Chamber of Doom. They grabbed as many of their props as they could carry and hitched a ride. Not to worry though, they've been in touch with Ralph, the custodian at the American Legion Hall, who has promised to round up replacements for their lost props. The show, of course, and no matter what, must go on.
The replacement props present a challenge for their creativity. They convert hula hoops to "rings of fire"; replace their harpsichord with pennywhistles, and substitute their tightropes with...hammocks? As stripped-down as it may seem, Baumhauser, Hughson, and Hartenstein, manage to make every stunt display of true vaudevillian prowess. Watching Baumhauser "tightrope" walk (in his loafers, no less), Hughson jumping through an ever-shrinking "fire ring", and Hartenstein clinking a musical piece on a toy keyboard are all joys to behold. No challenge is too much to overcome and the three do make their "adjusted" show a rousing success.
A Night in Towanda is a must-see for all ages! The talented trio of Dr. Ted Baumhauser, Richard Hughson, and Ward Hartenstein will most certainly not disappoint!